• Plural form of representation
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  • push for something, make attractive or acceptable, express a good opinion of, transitive To commend to the favorable notice of another; to commit to another's care, confidence, or acceptance, with favoring representations; to put in a favorable light before any one; to bestow commendation on, To make acceptable; to attract favor to, To commit; to give in charge; to commend, intransitive To praise or commend to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse, To commit to the charge of another; entrust, To give advice or counsel
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  • a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter, A fluid or semi-fluid of the body, That quality of the imagination which gives to ideas an incongruous or fantastic turn, and tends to excite laughter or mirth by ludicrous images or representations; a playful fancy; facetiousness, transitive verb_ To comply with the wishes or ideas of (another) in order to keep that person satisfied or unaware of criticism; indulge, To help on by indulgence or compliant treatment; to soothe; to gratify; to please
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  • a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region, the digit 0 (especially in representations of speech), Zero, interjection_ Used to express strong emotion, such as surprise, fear, anger, or pain, Used to indicate understanding or acknowledgment of a statement, Expression of surprise, verb_ intransitive To utter the interjection oh; to express surprise, etc
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