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moderately sweet raised roll containing spices and raisins and citron and decorated with a cross-shaped sugar glaze
coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
a floor of glazed tiles 2. with glass win-dows We have built a glazed porch. 3. he
window The framework of the greenhousehas been built and now it needs to be glazed.2. to cover a cake or a piece of pottery, with ashiny coating She glazed the cake and putsix candles on it.
An arched overhead covering, such as the sky, that resembles the architectural structure in form, A burial chamber, especially when underground, a partly glazed plate inserted in a pavement or ceiling to admit light to a vault below, intransitive verb_ To leap; to bound; to jump; to spring, To exhibit feats of tumbling or leaping; to tumble, transitive verb_ To form with a vault, or to cover with a vault; to give the shape of an arch to; to arch, To leap over; esp., to leap over by aid of the hands or a pole
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