A message communicated by such means, Electronics An impulse or fluctuating quantity, as of electrical voltage or light intensity, whose variations represent coded information, The sound, image, or message transmitted or received by means of telecommunications, adjective_ Notably out of the ordinary, bureau of the government (in the United States connected with the War Department) organized to collect from the whole country simultaneous raports of local meteorological conditions, upon comparison of which at the central office, predictions concerning the weather are telegraphed to various sections, where they are made known by signals publicly displayed, the place where a signal is displayed; specifically, an observation office of the signal service, verb_ communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs, be a signal for or a symptom of, transitive verb_ To communicate by signals, To notify by a signals; to make a signal or signals to, intransitive verb_ To cause an effect in (a cell) by the release of a chemical, such as a neurotransmitter or hormone, To make a signal to, To relate or make known by signals
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